Looking for a firm that would send letters to Dad's nursing home when appropriate

Rob Ryan

New Member
I'm tired of my Dad being neglected at his nursing home in MA. He's been overmedicated with opiates sending him to the ER (and then the nursing home lists dementia in his records as a result of their own negligence). I've gotten that cleared up for the most part finally. But they don't dress wounds in a timely manner, help with showers, he has had to get his own doctors because the home's doctors are worse than useless. Despite that, staff (PA or nurse assistant) will change his meds in the system on their own, deviating from what his doctors prescribe. Or forget to give him his meds on time, etc. He asks for meetings to try to resolve these issues and is ignored. There is also insane turnover so even if he/I solve a problem once, generally it returns because of new staff.

They get very creative at this place. Example is some laws apply to things like elevators and fire suppression if a nursing home has 3 or more floors, so they label the first floor "floor zero", so the top floor is "2". Not looking for anything to be done there, just sharing the sort of shenanigans going on.

I'm not looking for a lawsuit or anything, I just want someone that can send notice on legal letterhead so the nursing home knows that someone is looking out for his interests and to provide some incentive to the nursing home to give him the care legally required and that he is entitled to. I have already gone down the route multiple times with the state's elder services offices and ombudsman. They have been of no assistance.

Plus, this also creates a record if something really goes sideways and more extreme legal action is actually required. Most firms seem to be looking only for contingency lawsuits. That's not what I'm after. My thinking is a firm that deals with nursing home law probably has boilerplate and paralegals that can take care of this sort of thing with minimal effort and are therefore reasonably priced (I understand reasonable is relative when it comes to law, practicing law is not cheap, my son is taking the LSAT and I've been exposed to what school will cost, so I get it). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. TY.
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Attorneys don't come here looking for clients.

I have two suggestions for you.

Call up attorneys and ask if they will do that for you.

If not, and the issues continue, find another nursing home for your Dad and move him.

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