Looking for Advice!

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New Member
I'm charged with:
1. Impersonation of an officer
2. Alteration of imitation firearm
3. Vehicle equipped with a siren
4. No registration
5. Possession of a deadly weapon
6. sound amplification system.

I refused the right to counsel and am representing myself. I would appreciate any legal advice or any points I should take into consideration when in court. (I have a private counsel on back-up, but I really want to try handling the case myself for now) PLEASE SEND ME ANYTHING I SHOULD KNOW OR CONSIDER BY REPRESENTING MYSELF. HOW SHOULD I BEHAVE? HOW TO CONSUCT A PROPER "INVESTIGATION"? Thanks.
I refused the right to counsel and am representing myself.
Are you NUTS!!!??? :eek:

All those charges and you want to represent yourself!? Do you really want to go to prison?!?

You can do yourself serious damage trying to do this yourself. If you dig a hole, your "back-up" counsel may not be able to help you. It would be best to put the A Team in to the game first.

If you need a primer on how to conduct your offense, you are in over your head. These kinds of charges have too many facets to them to provide any simple answers for you. Attorneys go to school for years just to try and learn of SOME of the possible ways to mount a defense to this sort of thing.

Many of the charges are pretty simple - you have it, you're guilty. Without knowing some details, no one can offer any real good suggestions as there are too many variables. In general, the only viable defense would seem to be to get the evidence suppressed. Whether this can be done would depend on the grounds for the search and if there are any vulnerabilities. Maybe even reasonable doubt by having alternative explanations for the items and circumstances you were involved in.

In the end, your inexperience will likely doom you here. Get the real attorney and save yourself a whole lot of trouble.

- Carl
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