After I paid security deposit and moved in, the landlord never told me where is with my security deposit. Until last year, I found out the New Jersey Security Deposit Act with cite of N.J.S.A. 46:8-19(c). I entitle 7% annual interest. I did exactly what the law said. I sent notification to the Landlord to apply my security deposit and interest for my future rent. The landlord replied with a vacate letter asking me to move out within 30 days and keep harassing me (yearly lease turned to month to month by that time). Before I run out the security deposit for rent, I moved out early of the month. I called the landlord to do the inspection, everything clean and he did not find any damages. So he signed the moving out report. The landlord never returned the rest of my money or mailed me a list of any deductions within 30 days. Because not much money left, I did not chase it. Five months later, I got a mail from Union County Court. The landlord sued me for $2,600 for 1 and 1/2 month (more than my security deposit) of rent after I moved out. His excuses is, I did not give him a proper notice for moving out, but he vacated me after received my notice. On the court day, the judge did a favor to the landlord by saying my notification to the landlord did not say giving landlord 30 days to response. I told the judge I copy and pasted from New Jersey State .GOV website. He told me I should get the letter from attorney. I filed a Motion, another judge
denied my Motion by saying the 7% of interest in N.J.S.A. 46:8-19(c) just started 2008. No one get the 7% yet. six years already. Anyone has this cite case to share?
Thank you in advance.
denied my Motion by saying the 7% of interest in N.J.S.A. 46:8-19(c) just started 2008. No one get the 7% yet. six years already. Anyone has this cite case to share?
Thank you in advance.