Looking for experts on effects of kids from parental abductions

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I'm looking for experts for a divorce custody case. Mom had taken the boys 1 and 3 at the time to australia from Texas. The third son was born a month after she got to Australia.

It took dad 17 months total to get the children back in Texas. 2 of the children (the now 5 years old and the baby who will be 2 next week) are moderate to severely deaf. The child who is 5 (3 when taken) comes to dads and hides when mom comes to get him and such. The 3 year old (1 when taken) cries for mom whenever he gets a time out or when it's bed-time. The baby whom dad had not seen or touched until Dec 2006 when he was 15 months (now almost 2yrs old) doesn't appear to be effected.

Parental abduction is considered child abuse in most of the acts or laws that apply to it. Also, it's clear that it has an impact on the kids. Dad wants custody and has filed for a jury trial to decide it. The judge in this case actually said to the father that he knows they were gone for 17 months but now they are back and they as parents need to get past that.

It appears to be classified as child abuse for a reason and I don't think the judge will get it or a jury unless there is a professional expert that can evaluate the kids and testify to the impact of parental kidnapping. Mom's comments at court were that it did not impact the kids because she was 100% of thier care as a stay at home mom (which was not true but regardless they had a good close relationship with dad and their half brothers). In fact the oldest almost went thru the glass at the airport when they landed.

I wont go into the details but if anyone can direct me to finding an expert in this field I would appreciate it.

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