Personal Bankruptcy Los Angeles BK question for Chapter7


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I have $525,000 equity in my home.
Make under 80K.

I Have about 40K in unsecured CC debt
10K in Equity Loan
214K in Home Mortgage
100K in Student Loan Debt

Do I qualify for Chapter 7 in Los Angeles,CA and pass the Homestead exemption?

I have $525,000 equity in my home.
Make under 80K.

I Have about 40K in unsecured CC debt
10K in Equity Loan
214K in Home Mortgage
100K in Student Loan Debt

Do I qualify for Chapter 7 in Los Angeles,CA and pass the Homestead exemption?

What are trying to discharge? The credit card debt? yes. The equity loan? Yes and no. You may be able to discharge your personal liability, the the lien will remain and they can foreclose after the bankruptcy is discharged. The home mortgage, the same. The student loan debt, no based on what you have posted. Whether you can file a chapter 7, will depend upon your income and other assets.
Do I qualify for Chapter 7 in Los Angeles,CA and pass the Homestead exemption?

These CA attorneys answer MANY of your concerns.

Step by Step Guide to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in California

Are You Eligible for California Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Take the Bankruptcy Means Test to Find Out

The Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test can determine if a California petitioner's income level and expenses are eligible to file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The formula is designed to prevent individuals from Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they make enough money to pay down unsecured debts. If an individual does not qualify for Chapter 7 as determined by the Means Test of California, he or she may be able to file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to repay a fraction of the accrued debt.

Taking the Chapter 7 means test does not necessarily entail that an individual has to be impoverished to be able to file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. An individual who qualifies for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in California may still have a high income if he or she has high car and/or mortgage payments, high taxes, and/or other expenses.

Understanding How A Chapter 7 Means Test Works

The Chapter 7 means test was designed to limit the use of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to individuals who can no longer pay off their debts. The Chapter 7 bankruptcy works by subtracting certain monthly expenses from the individual's present monthly income. The current income will be determined by the person's last six (6) month's income prior to filing for bankruptcy. This will determine the person's available income.

If a person has a high amount of available income, the more likely it is that he or she will not be able to use a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to pay off the accrued debt. Instead, the individual will be expected to use the available funds to repay creditors.

Another important factor is that you only need to take a means test if the bankruptcy filer has predominantly consumer debts in California, not business debts.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Means Test in California


2023 Median Income Limits to Nail Bankruptcy Means Test in Calif

CA Chapter 7 Eligibility Requirements | Weintraub Zolkin Talerico & Selth LLP
I hate to say it, but even if you were to get the other loans discharged (and I agree with doucar on the possibilities), you can't afford that mortgage on your income.

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