loss of many things

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Worked for 30 years at the ARC. Left in Mar 2008 to take a position as RN supervisor, weekends, 12-14 hr shifts, at a local nursing home. Due to observation and documentation by me of unprofessional and harmful behaviors and practices of staff working at the home, several of them were fired, and many were reprimanded. Two weeks after those were fired, I began recieving phone calls into my office at work from annoymous persons. These calls were obscene, I was told they were going to get me, and one caller stated he was going to kill me. I notified the owner and administrtor of the facility, and the police. A police report was filed. I asked for security at the front door of the facility on weekends as is provided on weekdays. On weekends, there is no one at the front desk to monitor persons going in and out of the facility and no check to determine ones purpose in being in the building. I also asked for the ability to trace the phone calls coming into the facility. ( per advice from the police detective assigned to the case) Both these requests were denied. A meeting with both administrator and owner resulted in the situation being downplayed and I was told the calls would probably stop soon.
I asked the detective for police drive thrus of both parking lots.. this continued for two months. I parked in different places each day. I carried pepper spray and a flashlight and asked people to walk with me and watch for me when leaving work late at night. I watched every car behind me and would take alternate routes home so I would not be followed there. I have two daughters and live alone with them.
This situation continued, phone calls continued, my stress level increased, I became anxious, fearful, depressed. My children worried that something was going to happen to their mom..something did... I became short tempered with them, moody, and less patient with them. I needed to work to support them..I could not afford to just quit.
At work, I was afraid to answer the phone and the burden of the situation made my job a lot harder. I was responsible for 166 residents, the only RN and admin person there on weekends. I continued to observe even more situations of unsafe, unprofessional practices and staff behaviors..and became afraid of losing my nursing liscense due to the potiental harm to the residents of the home.
One friday, I was instructed to perform a task that involved falsifying patient charts.. over 40 of them.
I wrote my letter of resignation, citing unsafe and unprofessional working enviroment , turned in my keys to the evening supervisor, and left.

Since then, I filed for unemployment with the ESC of Nc. It was awarded to me. My employer filed an appeal, they lost. Due to the loss of wages, I am now two months behind in my mortgage, attempts to find another job have been unsuccessful so far.. my former employer has me listed as a no rehire, so, I either have to let prospective employers call and hear I am a no rehire, or I have to spill my guts and tell the whole sordid little story, over and over. ( employers don't like hearing that sort of thing). I signed on with a temp agency and work as much as I can doing health screenings and medical equip inservices. I have lost health insurance for myself and my two daughters because I could not afford the cobra payments.
I need help, and can't afford a lawyer unless they will do it for a percentage of any awards resulting from a suit.

I need help.. please.
I doubt suing would be in your best interest. You resigned your position. Put things behind you and move on. You'll find a better position for yourself. The nursing profession is suppose be recession proof.
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