Lost license after accident driving uninsured

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New Member
A bit more then 2 years ago I was driving to the grocery store. I blacked out and got into a bad accident. I don't remember any of it and was relieved to find out I didn't hurt anyone other then myself. Later I discovered that my insurance lapsed a few days earlier. My license was suspended indefinitely.

The reason for my blackout goes back to illness I acquired in Iraq. It is ok now, I am on meds and don't blackout anymore. I was charged with driving without insurance and driving in the wrong lane. I was sober, clean.

I am on disability and need to get my license back so I can drive to my doctors and to physical therapy. I hope to be able to get off disability and get a job.

Any idea what I am looking at? I have no money, no savings. Living month to month on disability checks and that is just at poverty level.

Is there more to this story than you are mentioning here? For a moving violation resulting in an accident you would receive 4 points. 24 points within a 36 month period results in a maximum licensure suspension of 1 year.

Anyhow for an indefinite suspension you should be able to satisfy the summons, present proof of this satisfaction and pay a reinstatement to your local driver's license office.

quite honestly if you blacked out and have a medical history then you should not be driving. You are dangerous to other drivers. You should look into what gvverment benefits you might be afforded for transportation. you might be able to get a cab voucher or a bus pass from the state.
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