Lost roommate to Soldier's Release Act Am I liable?

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New Member
-Missouri- I signed a lease with my roommate, who is in the army. He got accepted into flight school, which is considered extended duty (2 years), and because he is a soldier, the landlord has to release him from his liability in the lease. Now I cannot afford this place on my own, my search for a new roommate has come up empty, and I want to move to new place that I can live by myself and actually afford it. My landlord is telling me that is not possible. They say I am now responsible for the entire lease, and that I can only get out of it if they find someone to take it over (i.e. brand new tenants). This does not seem right, or really fair, to me. It was completely out of my control that my roommate left, and they did let him out of the lease pretty much with out consulting me on how it would affect me.

I think I should be entitled to get out of the lease as well, if I choose. Can anyone tell me if this situation is wrong, or if my landlord is right and I am out of luck.
Your landlord is right.
You co-signed a lease... meaning if your roommate leaves for the military, joins the circus, or drops dead, you will be responsible for the rent in full. Your landlord does not have to let you out of the lease.
It sounds like he is willing to let you out... but is putting the burden on you to find someone else to move in and assume the cost, which is fine. Keep searching. Maybe instead of searching for a new roommate you can try to find someone that wants to move in as soon as you get out.
You could, of course, join the military also and get orders for a transfer. In that case, with 30 days notice and a copy of the orders you too could be let out of the lease.

In the meantime you would owe for the entire rent. If you haven't considered this, try posting on craigslist and some of the military sites (i.e., www.militarybyowner.com, www.ahrn.com) if you have a military post nearby.

In my neck of the woods single military folks are looking for rentals and roommates right now as our local fort is making room for incoming military families on base and telling these single folks they must find off base housing (the military will pay for the rent).

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