lying employer who punishes employees

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New Member
I transferred locations under HR promise to bridge seniority in a union shop. I worked the day shift and was supposed to work the 2nd when testing late was required. My seniority was not bridged and after raising the question I was pushed onto and kept on a unnecessary 2nd shift while less qualified individuals are working premium times and jobs. Personally being lied to and miss treated. Are these activities illegal or actionable.
You would need to talk to your union rep. - any recourse would be through your union/union contract.
Agreed. Your recourse is to file a grievance based on the contract or your white paper agreement which you or your BA should have gotten in writing. If it ends up a no go, request retreat rights.
FYI, your HR does not have the authority to promise you something that is not upheld by your union contract. If your contract allows for seniority to be bridged in this situation, then talk to your union rep. If it doesn't, then neither HR nor your union rep can require it.
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