lying on death certificate about an autopsy

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What if a doctor said there was an autopsy done by putting yes under autopsy on the death certificate but there was not one done. Isn't that lying on government records?
That depends ... was the entry intentional? if so, why?

It also depends on what constitutes an autopsy in your state. It does not always have to include dissecting the corpse.

- Carl
The doctor did not why she pastway. She was only 31. Went in for a herney surgery and died 10 days later. But she was walking, talking, and trying to eat 3 days after the surgery. Her lungs started to fill up and they shipped her to a bigger hospital. a two hour ride and by the time she got there. it was to late. The doctor did not know what killed her and whated a autopsy done the people inthe morgue said they did not want to get into it but would do it if I could pay $4000.00 up front.
Wow! I suppose it depends on the laws in your state whether an autopsy is required or not. Generally, if the doctor i willing to sign the death certificate with a cause of death, then no autopsy is going to be conducted.

Have you checked with the coroner or medical examiner in your county? If not, then get a hold of them and find out the policies and practices. it might very well be that you would have to front the money for a private autopsy to be done.

I'm guessing you're not in California. Unfortunately, death laws vary a great deal from state to state so without knowing what state you're in we can't begin to look into it.

- Carl
I am in the state of Ga. And the doctor wanted an autopsy because he said he would like to know what killed her. on the death certificate he put cause of death was shock. But he was wanting the autopsy done also. But why would he put yes under autopsy when there wasn't one done and he said he did not know what killed her. Maybe he just signed the death certificate after someone in the morgue filled it out.
why would he want an autopsy because of not knowing what killed her and then putting yes under autopsy on the DC when there was not one. The people in the morgue told me that the doctor would just put down what he thought killed her. I do not understand that. How can they put down what they think killed you when that may not be the cause. I had somebody look over the medical records from the bigger hospital and they said she had a volume overload when she got to that hospital. And the hospital in my county will not let me have my wifes medical records without doing alot of different things which will in the end coast me about $400.00 Which i am going to do.
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