lyrics in website URL

hello and

New Member
Thanks in advance for any help.

There is a song lyric that goes, "A are the B" -- where A and B are ordinary nouns. The word A also appears in the title of the song. But this question does not concern the title.

This question is about a lyric. The lyric appears multiple times in the song (published originally pre-1978 and reasonably known).

Is the following with minimal risk?

My company would have a one-word name. That name is A (ie: a one word noun in the lyric cited above).

Can this company's URL be "are the B"? (where B is, again, a one word noun as cited in the lyric above) The B noun also happens to be central to what my company offers for sale.

To summarize... Although the company will not publish the four words of the lyric. It would have on the home page of its website a large brand name that is simply one word: A.

And... at the same time, the URL for this website would be:
Is the following with minimal risk?

So...for example, "We Are the World," and you want to name the company "We" and have your website be

In terms of copyright, you'd probably be in the clear because "We Are the World" isn't sufficient content to be protected by copyright. It's possible that you could have a trademark issue, but it's impossible to analyze that issue in the abstract, so I suggest you run this by an a trademark attorney.
Every time I see a post like this, I picture a loser, without a creative bone in his body, who wants to make a buck off somebody else's efforts.

To summarize... Although the company will not publish the four words of the lyric. It would have on the home page of its website a large brand name that is simply one word: A.

And... at the same time, the URL for this website would be:

You might skate with "We" and "" but try it with "We" and "" and I guarantee a nice fat lawsuit.

Queen - We Are The Champions (Official Video) - YouTube

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