Made a mistake with two money orders.

Jason Dennis

New Member
My boss fired me because he claimed I knew the persons I made mistakes on with money transactions. He had me working double shifts since I've been there n I be tired. He had me arrested for theft which is not fair at all. I was told by a co worker hes going to try n hold my checks that he owes me.
My boss fired me because he claimed I knew the persons I made mistakes on with money transactions.

File for unemployment. You might not be eligible but file anyway. If you get denied go through the appeal process so you lock in your benefit effective date if you manage to get acquitted.

He had me arrested for theft which is not fair at all.

Maybe not fair, but it happened and I hope, by now, you have a lawyer.

I was told by a co worker hes going to try n hold my checks that he owes me.

Likely illegal so file a wage claim with your state's labor department.
It depends on the state where you worked as to when you final paycheck is due you. If you don't receive any paychecks when due, then file a wage claim. (generally with your state dept. of labor)

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