Maintenance left my door open

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New Member
I got to my apartment last night at 8pm to find that my door was left unlocked.
I was worried about walking in so I did as the complex recommends. They recommend that if you ever find your door open call emergency maintenance and they will send someone to walk you in. So I called and was left on hold for about half an hour. I got the courage to go in alone and found that there was nothing missing but there was a mess in my restroom. Maintenance was in my apartment with out giving me prior notice and I am assuming when they were finished they forgot to lock the door. Anyway, I am tired of everything we have been through in those apartments but our contract still has 3 month on it. Is this a good enough reason to terminate my contract?
Q: Is this a good enough reason to terminate my contract?

A: What kind of "contract" are you talking about? Your lease? If so, does the lease say anything about what you are asking?
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