Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Making up believable stories about real famous people


New Member

I hope I am creating my thread in the right category. I am from Turkey and I have been writing a novel. I would like to use some real and famous people (Americans and non-Americans) without ending up legal trouble. They will make up less than 10% of the story. Here's what I have planned so far.

I'll use their real names, occupations and personalities. I won't make up anything real World based on them. So there will be no fabricated stories between real people. There will be fabricated stories between real and fictional characters. I won't write any negative things about them. I'll avoid defamation and invasion of privacy.

And finally not using anyone's name or image for advertising purposes.

Thank you for your time.
I would like to use some real and famous people (Americans and non-Americans) without ending up legal trouble. They will make up less than 10% of the story.

Before you put pen, crayon, or pencil to paper; its in YOUR best interests to consult a lawyer in Turkey.

You seem to be well intentioned, but so called notables and celebrities ZEALOUSLY protect their names and brands!!!

Unless you want to be sued for every Turkish Lira you possess, do NOTHING until you've obtained real legal advice in the form of a written "legal opinion" from an attorney in Turkey.


Look, before you leap!!!

Slander/Libel Laws in Turkey;


Turkey | Defamation Laws

Last, but not least:

Libel, Slander & Defamation Law: When It's Personal Injury
It's a common technique.

But every book that I've ever read that uses the technique has a page listing the people and attesting to having obtained their consent.

Get consent or don't do it.
Thank you for helps.

As far as I researched, there are some niche ways to use famous people in fictional works even without getting their consent but legal boundaries are not clear enough to me to take this action.
If you want an example of how your proposed technique is used successfully, read about the Riverworld series by Philip Jose Farmer. Farmer mixes real people with his fictional characters. All those real people were long dead when the books were published so it is unlikely that consent was obtained or needed.

Riverworld - Wikipedia