Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass Malicious injury

My question is if you are charged with this should I plead not guilty.

Never plead guilty to any criminal charge.

Every criminal defendant is INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law and a jury trial.

That said, plead NOT guilty, don't discuss the case or the charge with anyone, after your plea in open court, ask the judge IF you qualify for a public defender.

Once you are assigned a lawyer, you discuss your case with her.

She won't ask if you're guilty.

She'll ask you to tell her what you know.

Pleading guilty is the second dumbest thing anyone can do.

The dumbest is doing dumb shit.

Doing dumb shit can be hazardous to your freedom.
My question is if you are charged with this should I plead not guilty.

There would be no reason for you to enter a plea if I am charged with a crime.

If you're telling us that you have been charged with a crime and are asking us how you should please, I should hope it obvious that we have no way of knowing what is appropriate for you to do. For starters, there are a number of different "malicious injury" crimes in South Carolina. More importantly, we know absolutely nothing about what happened or any evidence that the police and prosecutor might have. You should be consulting with a local criminal defense attorney.
Absolutely not.Initially,you will enter a plea of not guilty,and hire a lawyer,or if indigent,ask the court to appoint you one.After that your lawyer will examine the evidence in the state's file,and discuss with you the best course of action such as weather it's in your best interest to accept a plea deal offered by the prosecution or take your case to trial.

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