Medical Malpractice malpractice/negligence at hospital


New Member
I am a high risk pregnancy already. My hospital called to tell me that they reused someone elses suture on me accidentally during my papsmear. they said I need to come in and be tested for Clemidia, HIV and a host of other things. They said i need to start treatment for clemidia

I am worried and upset.

What is my legal recourse?

Is this a legitamit medical negligence/malpractice case?
You need to hold off on any legal recourse until you find out if there was actually any injury.
even if there is not any injury, is this not an issue of negligence/ malpractice? now that i have been treated for clemidia, even though i don't know if i have it, i will have to always tell that and its something that will follow me.
First, file a complaint with the hospital and see what they say. Don't agree to anything and tell them you won't sign anything until you have talked to a lawyer Before doing anything else wait until all the test results are completed so you have complete information, then consult a lawyer.
The issue is not whether it is legitimately negligence or malpractice. The issue is whether or not you have incurred sufficient damages to make suing worthwhile.

No damages, no case. You can't sue for what might have happened and didn't.
Whether you sue or not a complaint should still be filed with the hospital.
The hospital called and the person whose suture they used on me tested positive for HPV & Clemedia. I will be tested tomorrow.

I agree with cbg (of course) that without damages, there is no case.

I hope (for your sake) that there are no damages.

BUT you should raise h*ly h*ll with those people.

AND you should demand a test a month later, a test for your baby, and a test a month after the kid is born.

Hospitals and doctors are d*mned sl*ppy these days and someone needs to bring them to account.
Trust me, I'm not saying don't complaint to the hospital. Complain to them as loudly and as vehemently as you can.

All I'm saying is that LEGAL recourse will be based on what, if any damages were suffered (and pray God there won't be any).

Let us know how it goes.
Just saw this very old post and it reminded me of a situation I am going through right now. I won't provide the specific details but, remarkably, my medical records have been mixed up with another patient with some similar characteristics to me. As a result, I ended up having to do an extra test for one of my joints and spending extra time separating the chart history and billing records. I was contacted by the person with whom my records are commingled. As I told him, while there is definitely a 'wrong' here and 'liability' it is just not worth suing or settling over.

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