Manager belittles me for my disability

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I have a manager that has a reputation for having a "warm and friendly side" along with a "vengefu and spiteful" side. Last year I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Although she has made several encouraging statements I have endured a litany of disparaging comments from her regarding my person and performance. When I first requested ADA reasonable accomodations so I could continue working she balked until our HR dept. informed her she had to accept their mandate to accomodate me. Then, one would have thought that the few accomodations made were all her idea. (Total Accomodations cost this large and financially sound company less than 3k.)

However, recently, with the prospect of another job offer, I asked her if she would renegotiate my compensation package so that staying would make more sense than leaving. In the course of our numerous conversations and negotiations regarding this matter she has said the following:

1) I was only asking for a raise so that I could get more money and then go on Disability. Not true, it is my intent to work until it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do so, especially since I am not even 50 yet.
2) My job prospects were likely false since no company "in their right mind would hire someone with Parkinson's Disease." I replied that I was aware of my legal rights under ADA and felt with my professional skills I had just as good chances of securing employment as anyone else. She replied, "You know how things "really" work, as soon as they found out about you, they would not hire you." Since my symptoms are fairly often controlled via medications the most likely way a new employer would find out would be if my current manager divulged it in a reference check. I know of a former employee she gave a very negative (and quite undeserving) reference on causing the employee to not get a well paying job, so I have no doubt she would be tempted to "out" me.
3. Today she told me that someone in HR regarded my requests as "threats." Nothing could be further from the truth I simply asked for a better compensation package and in no way verbally or otherwise threatened anyone. But I fear she is trying to make a case.
4. Finally, she has suggested that I most likely have a Conversion Disorder rather than actual Parkinson's. Conversion Disorder is a more politically correct way to suggest that I come just short of malingering. On the contrary I have been diagnosed by 3 doctors who would all verify my diagnosis. For the record, I would rather have a Conversion Disorder then Parkinson's Disease. I think I would live longer with CD compared to PD!

Perhaps I'm overly sensitive. However, she has in the past verbally humiliated me in front of others so I have no doubt she would say nasty things about me behind my back and perhaps limit any other job opportunities. Do I have any options? I fear reporting her to Human Resources as when they confront her she will find ways to make life hell for me. She is all about image and I have seen her make life hell for staff who she interpreted as embarrassing her or speaking negatively about her to her superiors or HR.

Any advice is much appreciated.

If you feel like you have a valid complaint, you can file with the EEOC.

Otherwise I am not sure there is much you can do but find another job.

Belittling you, being rude, etc. is not against the law.

If you resign your position I am not sure what protection, if any, you will have. You can always look for another job.
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