Manipulative conversation to get one to agree to specific terms?

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When I signed my contract to work with my new employer (we will say employer #1), I was working with another company (we'll call them employer #2) within a certain mile radius of employer #1. After discussing things, employer #1 let it go and from my understanding we were in an agreement that I would keep my few hours at my second place of employment (I'm not working full time for either).

So far things have gone smoothly. However, it has come to light that Employer #1 want's to start taking 30% of my hourly pay for extra hours I may be picking up (which involves questions for another part of the forum). After stating that I feel my expertise is being taken advantage of, I recieved an email from said employer (#1) stating that I should not consider taking on these extra hours after all considering I "have a second place of work and they do not like to promote instructors who also teach somewhere else".

I couldn't help but feel that was very manipulative and that they are purposely holding my place of second employment over my head. Whether it's to get me to quit or to get me to subject to the 30% they wish to take. I'm curious as to whether this is considered harassment and if not what it would fall under.

It is not considered harassment and they are under no legal obligation to promote you.

However, I don't fully understand what you're saying about the 30%. Are you saying that they wish to lower your wage (legal) or that you have to "kick back" part of your pay (illegal)?
As a private coach, typically the parent writes a check out to the buisness and most buisness take 5-10$ as a rental fee to the space. The buisness is getting audited for some reason and are now suddenly suggesting that these lessons are a huge liability - so they have decided they want 30% of that hourly wage coaches were recieving before (so the school will take 30% of whatever a coach charges). Basically, it comes down to greed.

Also, It's not about being "promoted" - with that word my employer means to suggest me to clients as an individual instructor, which they have already done (giving me extra hours at work). Which was "okay" with them, until they learned I was not okay with the 30% deduction from my pay. Afterwards, by means to get me to agree with it, they brought up my second employer and thus took those extra hours away because I work somewhere else (which they initally agreed to in my contract at the beginning of the year). So basically they are trying to keep me from making extra money all because I a) want to negociate taking 30% of my hourly wage and b) because I work somewhere else.

Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it!
If your contract says XX percent, and now the company wants to increase the percentage, they would need to present you with a new contract. You would then have the option of accepting the new contract or not working for this company any longer.
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