Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse marijuana possesion

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New Member
I resently got caught with a little under a gram of marijuana and I dont have any prior criminal record. I would like to know what is going to happen to me and also I am 18 years old. The officer also said I could get a get a federal offense charge but he said he was going to give me a misdemeanor. I just want to know what is going to happen.
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Alternative Sentencing Options for a Marijuana Charge

Here is an article on alternative sentencing that may be of assistance. You might even have an ability to have the charges dropped entirely but be aware of the different options that may be available to you.
but the three charges i got were possesion of marijuana, possesion of drug paraphernalia, and alcoholic beverages under the age of 21. do u really think they are goin to drop it?
You asked for the best you can do. The People have to prove their case. If they don't or have a weak case, a good attorney (or smart defendant) might be able to have the case dismissed.

So you've got three charges against you. If you can afford an attorney, you'd probably be best to get one. Few judges I know want to severely punish a first offender who is also a minor. Frequently alternative sentencing is available but with three charges you might want to have someone handle your case and ensure it goes right the first and hopefully only time you have to deal with a problem such as this. Nobody can tell you what will happen. A local attorney can give you a better idea what might happen. Your best bet is just making sure that you're well represented so you can make the most of your case.
It sounds like you got hosed by a bored cop on a slow night.
I would have confiscated your stuff and taken you home to mom and dad so they could smack some sense into you.
Problem solved :)
thats what they did pretty much but they gave me a court date too. should i get an attorney for these kind of charges and fight it or should i go in by myself and admit guitly?
thats what they did pretty much but they gave me a court date too. should i get an attorney for these kind of charges and fight it or should i go in by myself and admit guitly?
The worst thing you could possibly do is walk into court and admit you're guilty. You'll have a criminal record and would need to apply for expungement. If you read the article I recommended you would see that you might be able to have an opportunity to admit and plea to nothing with the case being dismissed if you successfully complete what the court requires. THAT is where you want to be.

Getting an attorney is absolutely the safest way to go. In hindsight you can question whether or not it was worth it but you probably won't second guess that you most likely received the best deal you were going to get. If you have a clean record, there is no reason to ruin it now. With three charges... I can't tell you what to do. And in some courts I have found prosecutors a bit more willing give clients with attorneys a better deal, recognizing the cost and expense to have representation. Can't tell you what to do, just what I have seen from my experience in a different state and am guessing it's not completely out of the realm of possibility.
ok getting an attorney is definitely what I'm going to do but how much will it cost me. i looked up an attorney from arizona and the least amount of money it would cost me to get a lawyer was 1,000$. is that a reasonable price for the charges i got?
ok getting an attorney is definitely what I'm going to do but how much will it cost me. i looked up an attorney from arizona and the least amount of money it would cost me to get a lawyer was 1,000$. is that a reasonable price for the charges i got?
If you can't afford an attorney, the judge will appoint one to represent you. Yes, $1,000 is reasonable, very reasonable. What you want to know, is that attorney's reputation.
well i dont know if im going to get an attorney now cause my brother, who is a police officer, said i should just get a public defender and save my money cause he looked up a similar cause and that individual got a 700$ fine. is that a good idea?
i dont think im going to get an attorney anymore because my brother, who is a police officer, said that i should get a public defender. he said this because he sall a similiar case to mine and he said the individual got a 700$ fine and i dont have money to pay for both an attorney and a fine. is that a good idea or would an attorney be able to get my case dismissed?
i dont think im going to get an attorney anymore because my brother, who is a police officer, said that i should get a public defender. he said this because he sall a similiar case to mine and he said the individual got a 700$ fine and i dont have money to pay for both an attorney and a fine. is that a good idea or would an attorney be able to get my case dismissed?
No reputable attorney guarantees a specific outcome. You can't know what could happen.
But, a public defender is a lawyer. They're very good at what they do. If you can't buy steak, you don't steal them, you buy hot dogs.

Both are proteins, and both cure hunger. So, ask for a PD.
ok im worried know what do you think if just admitted guilty what could be the worst thing that can happen?
well ive decided to get a public defender and what are the possible punishments for these 3 charges? is jail a high possibility?
You are extremely unlikely to spend even a minute in jail for these offenses. The public defender will explain to you what to do and what to expect.
You are most likely going to be fined and have a short probation.
i have a record though with assault and battery in CA will that affect my sentencing at all even though its a different state?
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