Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse marijuana

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My friend and I smoked some maryjane ( marijauna) four hours before we came across this road block in canadys south Carolina the cop shined his light in our eyes and told us to pull over to the grass then another cop came up and said that we were stoned. Well they started asking questions about the mj so i told him where it was and he got.it then called my friends mom to get him. Well I got a simple possession ticket and had to call someone to get me. But I was wondering what all will happen in court and if they had to give sobriety test to someone accused of being high? Please help me I am nineteen and smoke weed for depression because my parents can't affords my depression meds
Pot, grass, marijuana, mary jane, MJ - it can cause you to act stupid. You admitted to the crime. There is no need to give you a test.

If you have a medical need you should get a prescription for medicinal marijuana. My guess is that if you can afford MJ you could afford depression medication. But given the choice, I'm sure you prefer the self diagnosis and prescription. This was a foolish act and you need to recognize the problem and learn from it. Perhaps you can obtain a favorable plea bargain if you don't have any priors. You should have legal representation in court and may need the services of the public defender. Use that right to have an attorney appointed for you. Don't make excuses. Good luck.
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