Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Mark Beaver 03/11/2017

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Mark Beaver

I have been charged with "failure to register" concerning Megan's Law registration requirements.
First problem: PA has had 4 versions ML1, ML2, ML3, ML4 and also SORNA.
Second problem: my public defender. Originally my case was a clear win for dismisal. Now after the first "trial" apperance, he seems to have major questions about the outcome.
Third problem: getting the right information into the court record from the beginning.
During the first hearing, it was determined that the arguement would be to "dismiss" the charge or not.
So we are arguing to dimiss.
My first arguement to dismiss is Applicability.
My second arguement is that I have a vested interest in the statute in effect at the time of my sentencing. Which was 09/16/1995 in Florida. Statute 800.04. PA equilivent being 3126(a)(8)
Please see PA_SexOffences_Tiers.pdf A nice simple document
note: only ten years or life registration until 12/20/2012 SORNA
ML history in PA. ML 1 was declared unconstitutional due to making determinations as being an
"offender" or "predator" without any dueyearsSORNA
ML2 has not been found to be unconstitutional. It has been repealed as of SORNA affective date.
ML3 unconstitutional due to violating "single subject clause". Yet the PA State Trouper refered to it during the first hearing. Courious, interesting.
ML4 never reached it affective date before 12/20/2012 and SORNA became controling and retroactive. Except in the SORNA Applicable section 9799.13(3) which provides for treatment of offenders that had fulfilled the required registration period.

Having provided this information and create a complex string of statute changes would you be so kind as provide a brief to get the failure to register dismissed.

This case will effect the remainder of my life.

Personal information removed by your online, friendly, helpful MOD.
We don't want your identity stolen, your life threatened, or either this site or you to be HARASSED.
You're welcome, Just Another Online MOD
Your post has been reported, as you have included WAY too much personal information in your post. This site is for general information, not soliciting help from attorneys. Besides, would you accept help from an attorney who had to troll message boards to get clients? o_O
I have been charged with "failure to register" concerning Megan's Law registration requirements.
First problem: PA has had 4 versions ML1, ML2, ML3, ML4 and also SORNA.
Second problem: my public defender. Originally my case was a clear win for dismisal. Now after the first "trial" apperance, he seems to have major questions about the outcome.
Third problem: getting the right information into the court record from the beginning.
During the first hearing, it was determined that the arguement would be to "dismiss" the charge or not.
So we are arguing to dimiss.
My first arguement to dismiss is Applicability.
My second arguement is that I have a vested interest in the statute in effect at the time of my sentencing. Which was 09/16/1995 in Florida. Statute 800.04. PA equilivent being 3126(a)(8)
Please see PA_SexOffences_Tiers.pdf A nice simple document
note: only ten years or life registration until 12/20/2012 SORNA
ML history in PA. ML 1 was declared unconstitutional due to making determinations as being an
"offender" or "predator" without any dueyearsSORNA
ML2 has not been found to be unconstitutional. It has been repealed as of SORNA affective date.
ML3 unconstitutional due to violating "single subject clause". Yet the PA State Trouper refered to it during the first hearing. Courious, interesting.
ML4 never reached it affective date before 12/20/2012 and SORNA became controling and retroactive. Except in the SORNA Applicable section 9799.13(3) which provides for treatment of offenders that had fulfilled the required registration period.

Having provided this information and create a complex string of statute changes would you be so kind as provide a brief to get the failure to register dismissed.

This case will effect the remainder of my life.

Personal information removed by your online, friendly, helpful MOD.
We don't want your identity stolen, your life threatened, or either this site or you to be HARASSED.
You're welcome, Just Another Online MOD

No ethical lawyer will brief a criminal case for you when you've actively engaged a lawyer to represent your interests.

Beyond that, I'd be very leery about soliciting information to assist you in prosecuting your criminal defense from unknown, unvetted Internet sources.

If you believe your lawyer isn't assisting you properly, or your personalities clash, seek leave from the court to terminate her services and request another lawyer be appointed to assist you, or hire your own lawyer.

A sexual molestation, sexual abuse, or other sexually related offense DOES follow most offenders for their entire life.

The only antidote to any felony conviction is a FULL pardon by the state or federal executive.

Anything NOT A FULL PARDON won't erase the stain or the sting such a conviction carries.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you can ever get the conviction overturned, disregarded, or erased because you wish it to be so!

The law requires you not to force yourself sexually upon unwilling human beings and or other mammals. Oh, and touch yee not the tiny ones, as they are not yet ripe my son.

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