Marriage w/ Medicaid

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I'm currently on disability with a degenerative disease. Because I'm unable to work but have not reached the two year mark where I can start to receive Medicare, and will not until December 2010, I'm currently receiving Medicaid. I'm currently engaged and have been discussing the wedding dates and plans. My concern is, she is a contractor and cannot put me on her insurance. If we get married prior to December 2010, is there any way for me to continue receiving Medicaid, or will her income (because it will put it over the required amount to receive medicaid) cause me to lose my insurance? Given my condition, we really do not want to have to wait too long to get married. This is very important to us. What options do we have? Thank you so much.
You have 10 days after marrying to put her on your insurance qualification and so yes that will probably cause you to lose your medical. You are probably going to have to wait until Dec 2010.
There has to be some other options. Waiting is not necessarily in my best interest, given my illness. Anything?
While I am sympathetic to your plight, why must their be other options? And please understand I'm not against you. Why the urgency to actually marry? Is your disease potentially terminal in the next year and you want to marry before that might happen?

I'm aware that I"m asking sensitive questions. Sometimes the rules just don't provide the options that we are looking for. If you give me more information I'll try to help....
I have a degenerative motor neuron condition, and will continue to decline. The timetable and the extent it will reach are unknown. I'm already becoming limited physically, and want to marry before things get too much worse.
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