Mayflower Oil Spill

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Last year there was an oil spill in the subdivision next to ours. Six months later my husband starting having recurrences of his Crohn's disease. He had not had an episode in years until this and now we have made 3-4 trips to the ER and those were just the occurrences we couldn't stop at home. Since this started I have spent countless hours looking for a reason why this would begin so suddenly and with no end in sight. The only thing that has changed is this oil spill and after doing some research I believe this may be the cause. Unfortunately because of the way Crohns works it is impossible to point to a specific reason for his recurrence. We are however in the process of seeing a specialist so nothing will be done until after we see him and rule out as many other factors as possible.

We spoke to an attorney today who is handling the class action lawsuit and it is his belief that we have a claim. He would like to add us to the lawsuit however I have some concerns.

1. He has stated that he will take the case on a contingency basis with his fee being 1/3 of whatever is received. Is this average rate for this type of case?

2. We have gone through all of our savings at this point and the case is not scheduled to go to court for over a year. Would we be better off to approach the oil company ourselves? I'm just not sure we can wait.

3. If we approach them what sort of settlement should we request?
What you do is your call.

No one can tell you what works best for you.

You can discuss the case with the oil company and see what they say.

If they offer you $2,000 in two days, you'll need to decide if that's enough.

Life is full of choices and many guesses.

Now you must choose again.
You can contact the oil co. & see what they say - they may make an offer & they might not. If they do, it's your decision whether to go with it.
Let me edit that for you. "The only thing you are aware of that has changed". There is a burden of proof you are going to need to meet. Is his doctor willing to testify that is what the cause is?
There is no way for us to know either whether the lawyer will or will not win the class action lawsuit or if it is won, what amount might be received.
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