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New Member
So this weekend I was in Madison at a McdDonalds and I think they are doing something illegal. So what happened was I ordered a Classic Crispy Chicken meal and was charged an extra $1.50 for a medium Hi-C. The meal itself was $3.90. I also ordered just the Classic Crispy Chicken sandwich and was charged $3.89. How is it that the meal is only $0.01 more expensive than the sandwich itself. I am not the only one that they did this too, my 3 friends were also charged $1.50 extra for sodas they had already paid for in their meal. Is there anything I can do? I know they will continue to do this and it needs to stop. I already sent an email to McDonalds explaining the situation but is there any legal action I can take?
Your story is confusing. Did you pay $3.90 for the Classic Crispy Chicken Meal plus Medium Hi-C, or did you pay $3.90 + $1.50 = $5.40 total? Was the Meal supposed to include the drink? If so, you should have declined to pay the extra charge.

McDonald's is pretty much free to charge whatever they like. If they want to price a combo at $0.01 more than the plain sandwich, that's their prerogative.

Conceivably, the cashier entered the items in the combo separately into the register - 1 crispy chicken sandwich, 1 fries, 1 drink, or whatever - and the prices for each (including $1.50 for the drink) showed separately on the register when entered, but the register recognized the combo and you were only charged the combo price.
yes i was charged 3.90 for the "meal" and then an additional 1.49 for a drink. but anyways my friends that were with me that night went back the next day and complained and received their money back for the extra drink they were charged which is why i think this is dumb.
Well it IS dumb. They charged you more than they should have - and for some unfathomable reason you paid it. Sounds like your friends have the right idea: complain, and get a refund.

I suppose you could always start a class action on behalf of people who have paid $1.49 extra for a drink that should have been included in their combo meal. Frankly I suspect it would not be worth your while.
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