Mechanic let water in engine


New Member
New York
We had a new engine installed by the local marina. They had the boat from October to April. We purchased a new block and they installed it, waiting for other parts, the Mechanic went "to school" and other delays. wE bought new manifolds but they told us to wait until after the season.
The mechanic took the boat out when I was away and apparently admitted to getting seawater in the engine. They claimed that they flushed it, but never took the engine out.

When I came home from my trip in April the Mariana owner/manager told me the marina was not "warrantying the engine work" because we bought the parts from someone else not through them. I never agreed to it, and had paid almost all the bill at this time.

When the engine started knocking after less than 3 hours of use and I asked that the mechanic come to the slip to check-I was ignored. When the engine ceased to work after less than 8 hours, I went into the marina and was told that we had "abused the boat".

I want to ask if the marina had a right to say no warranty at all, especially after most of the bill was paid.

And finally, I called Mercruiser and found out that the mechanic who did the work was not certified to work on Inboard engines only outboard. I always assumed they were certified as it says Mercruiser mechanics on their sign.

Please advise.

(Telephone number redacted for your protection. Please don't post personal details, there are HACKERS and THIEVES waiting to pounce.)

A friendly forum Mod
You'll have to sue the repair place for compensation. You are likely going to have to hire an expert to testify as to the faulty repairs.

Consult an attorney. This is probably not something you'll be able to do on your own.
Were there any documents signed in this process. What do the documents say?
Were you told no warranty before or after the work was done?
The marina representative kept asking for money and only at the last payment did she write NO Warranty on my bill. I never agreed. I have been looking at Magnusen Moss with regard to warranties and other case law for implied warranties.

The engine was not tested in a tank prior to dropping back in boat. the boat had a leaking intake manifolwhich caused the boat to take on seawater on the test run.

It is my understanding that the engine needed to be flushed with gasoline, I believe they did not.

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