medical bills/no insurance

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New Member
I was 19 when I was admitted to the hospital. They took my appendix out. Problem is I did not have medical insurance. Now the collection agencies are threating law suits. I waitress two days a week to try to keep myself in college. I cannot possibly pay these people. The hospital waived my bill because I am below the poverty level. I have tried to get medicaid through Illinois agency and was turned down.

Can they sue me? I thought technically Iwas a minor. I have called many state agancies and cannot find insurance help, nor an answer if I am legally liable. Can someone who knows help me with an answer, please?
I don't know the answer to this but I believe that there are two exceptions to the types of agreements that minors have an option to rescind.

1) When both parties can not be put back into their original positions, e.g. a disposable camera that has been used.

2) When the contract is for necessities, e.g. food, clothing, shelter, medical assistance.

But even this doesn't matter. Once you've reached the age of the majority, if you haven't disaffirmed the contract then you have been deemed to have "ratified" the agreements as an adult and they are binding.

I'm truly sorry to tell you this and hope that there is some assistance you can find. You may do best to tell the collection agencies that, unless they work with you, there is no hope in getting paid and your options are filing for bankruptcy. They may hold off and try to work with you, hoping that the debt won't be discharged. Good luck.
your best bet is to get something in writing from the hospital if the really did discharge the debt and send it to the collection company. As far as being a minor, you were over the age of 18 so you legally are held liable for the bill (I work for a medical billing company) but I suggest that you contact the billing dept and see if someone can help, they may know who you can call
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