Medical Condition - Accomodations (Addt'l Issue)

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Hi. Me Again. Well, after reading these posts - from the looks of it - my peers can harrass me all they want and get away with it. Hmmm. That's concerning.

Anyway - I have another issue. The surgery I had last August was an artificial disc replacement in my lower back. I also have a herniated disc in my neck as well as advanced disc degenerative disease and osteo-arthritis of the spine (nice huh, I'm only 37).

Well, because of my medical condition - it's very difficult for me to sit at a desk all day. The fact that I work from my home office about 95% of the time should not be a big deal. I am on conference calls all day. Working from home allows me to be mobile throughout the day and not have to sit in one position - not ideal for my long term prognosis. My doctor has even written a letter being very clear about this. Approximately 75% of our team is spread out all over the country - and of that 75% about 50% work out of their homes because they don't live near an office. We have even recently hired on people with the understanding that they will be working from home full-time because they don't live near an office.

Well, my management is giving me a hard time because I live within 5 miles of an office. That is the general rule. If you live within a 40 mile radius of the office - you need to come in. Well, I have clearly documented reasons why it is not in my best interest, my doctor is backing this up - he is actually very clear in saying that I can NOT sit at a desk all day.

I am just as productive at home. I do my job and I do it well. I receive great reviews from my customers. I just had my performance review and came through with flying colors. They did put a statement in there that they wanted to have more "face" time in the office. But, I replied to them and said I wouldn't sign off on that because I didn't feel I should be measured on something that I know I can commit to .. haven't heard back yet.

Any comments on this issue? You know what's sad about all of this - the harrassment and lack of support for my health issues? I work for a healthcare company. Nice, huh?

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