New Member
I have been seeing a physician off and on since December 14, 2009 for a medical condition who referred me to a neurologist who has been treating my medical issue. I had other medical issues come up and has delayed me with getting this one taken care of. I had a new boss who just wrote me up on last friday for not being able to perform my job. I have been seeing my neurologist off and on with my condition who knows that I cannot go up 2-3 flights of stairs until we get this vertigo under control. I was placed on a Leave of Absence due to a couple of employees who say I am retaliating against them and I had no idea they said I was not doing my job? I had to go see my physician yesterday because I was needing additional medicine for the stress inflicted on me. He has taken me off for medical leave for two weeks and sent over the information to my hr department. I called and left a message for hr to contact me back for my fmla paperwork. Will I be able to qualify for this benefit as I will probably need surgery soon?