Medical marijuana use while caring for children

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I have a friend who has a medical marijuana card. She is a stay at home mom. And is in constant pain but she will not use marijuana while she is alone with the kids because she's afraid she could get in trouble. We've googled a lot but can't find any info, is it legal in oregon to use medical mj while she's home alone with her kids?
I have a friend who has a medical marijuana card. She is a stay at home mom. And is in constant pain but she will not use marijuana while she is alone with the kids because she's afraid she could get in trouble. We've googled a lot but can't find any info, is it legal in oregon to use medical mj while she's home alone with her kids?

If she's smart, she wouldn't smoke ANYTHING in front of her children.
Is it legal?
The jury is still out on that.
I suggest you ask your county prosecutor the question, and get a written legal opinion.
It isn't smart, nor is it healthy for the children, or even other adults.

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