My daughter is in a church run substance abuse program as ordered by the court. She has served 20 days in prison and her 5 month sentence was suspended due to her completing this program. Although we did not know they were going to refuse to get her any medical treatment of any kind. They constantly say they are under staffed and she would have to wait. That was 41 days ago. She would not complete this program til Nov 2007. That is obviously longer than the 5 month jail sentence. Is there anything we can do to get her out of this program and into another? Her civil rights have been ignored and we just can't see her suffer like this anymore. They donot provide any real rehabilitating service. All they do is work her like a slave at the thrift store and tell her to read her bible and go to church 3 times a week. They donot let her see family except on sunday and certain holidays. They do issue passes for good behavior but they are giving her dimerits for drinking waer in church and removing her apron at the thrift store. Just a bunch of ubsurd penalties to keep her from telling us what is actually going on at Mercy House.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you