Meds With Held

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I Was Arrested On 4-19-08 The Reason Does Not Matter. I Live In St Johns Mi Clinton Co. I Am A Diabetic. I Told The Gaurd This As I Was Being Booked In. He Told Me Someone Could Drop Of My Meds. My Daughter Did This Some 20 Mins After My Conversation With This Gaurd. I Told The Same Gaurd That I Needed My Meds, I Am To Take Them In The Morning And Evening. He Told Me Tough. I Did Not Get Any Untill The Next Day Around Noon. Do I Have A Recourse Here?
How were you harmed? Did you suffer any damage because you were refused your meds for a few hours?

And the reason you were arrested IS important. I can think of a few situations where providing you medications could be a really big problem.

Additionally, most jails will not provide you meds until they have been approved by the jail's doctor or prescribed by the jail's doctor.

- Carl
Well, judging by your screen name, I would most definitely say/think/assume your character indulges in the use of Marijuana (reefer, bud, whatever you wish to call it) so that is most definitely the reason why the officer did not allow you to have your medicine... He immediately associated (the request for) any bodily changing substances, to you wishing to induce the way your Mind works at the current moment. Personally, I think you are lucky he even allowed you the medicine that first (and only) time. So, my suggestion would be.... Just don't get caught with bud man.. If you're going to 'enjoy' it, do it solely in the privacy of your own home.
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