Melissa sammons

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Yea my name Melissa I had to call n to work cause I was sick and went to the er and they gave me two day excuse for that day and the next and I work over night well the second day my employer made me come in at 12 am can she illegally do that
Yes my name Melissa and I had to call into work cause I was sick and went to the er and they gave me two day excuse for that day and the nexts I work over night the next day she made me come in at 12am
Yea my name Melissa I had to call n to work cause I was sick and went to the er and they gave me two day excuse for that day and the next and I work over night well the second day my employer made me come in at 12 am can she illegally do that

Yes, an employer can adjust your working hours as the needs of the business require.
Insofar as if an employer can FORCE you to work, no.
That would be slavery.
Slavery was outlawed decades ago.

You have the right to tell your boss, "No way I'm coming in to work at midnight. I'll be there when I get ready, Goodbye!"

That answer is yours alone to offer, bear in mind, such an answer might allow the boss to terminate your services IMMEDIATELY.

I wish you the best.
And also me and one other work alnight wit out a sucks as a 10min break but they take it out

I'm not positive just what you are saying here. Are you saying you worked all night without any type of meal or rest break but they took pay out of your check for this time that you actually worked?

Ky. requires meal & rest breaks - here is a link to the requirements etc.
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