Mens Club Constitutional Bylaws

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New Member
I am a member of a men's lodge, and we are having trouble amending our bylaws. One member says the amendments to bylaws that were voted on and approved by members, in 2010 and again in 2011 were rejected by our grand aerie due to wording in one of five amendments. The lodge has been operating as if the other four bylaws were passed. One member has challenged this, and has stated that since bylaws were not approved, we must revert to last approved bylaws. These are 1991 bylaws. The motivation for this being one amendment in particular, which would grant said member much more power. My question is: If we revert to 91 bylaws, must we abide by all inclusive. Reason being, one 91 bylaw provides for membership fees. Fees have increased through the years and some will argue, if we revert to '91 bylaws, then we've been overcharged for 22 years. There are other '91 bylaws which would weigh heavily on the finances of the lodge due to being outdated.
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