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Well, in the Texas hill country, we've hit 82 warm, sunny degrees.

I've enjoyed the past two, three days, and its only going to get better from here.

That said, Miss Betty, is it time for (dare I say it, YES I will) a Spring, '16 version? LOL

I loooove, spring.

Flowers blooming, everything's green, lots of calfing out on the ranch, baseball is back, presidential primaries will lead us into summer, Easter and spring break, wonderful time of birth, rebirth, and awakening.

Happy REAL Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Daisy Gatson Bates Day,Susan B. Anthony's Birthday, and REAL Washington's Birthday.

Happy St. David's Day (March 1st) and Happy Super Presidential Primary Day (March 1st, too).

Finally, but most importantly, Happy Texas Independence Day (March 2nd).

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