I'm doing both actually. (I am definitely going to have to get a lawyer in any case, but...) I got permission to film on campus but I portrayed it as a completely different fictional location. Now I'm wanting to film on campus and CALL it "on campus". I sent an email to someone at the university asking for some advice on this so that should work itself out. I think I understand though, thanks to you all, that making a reference to a place, filming at a place, and showing their trademarked or copyrighted logo on screen are all different situations. I learned when I had a radio show on campus that although I'm not a trained professional, because I am passionate about the art and put my best into, people tend not to perceive me as being an amateur even though I see myself as such. I am learning that I simply don't fly under the radar like I used to so I have to hold myself to higher standards than other people. I ALWAYS get into noticed if I have something not totally right. So, that's why I'm seeking advice. I've had partnerships before, like when I had a radio show, so it's probably best to do it that way and know outright that everyone is in agreement with everything. Thanks again for the feedback! It helps to have people to bounce stuff off of.