Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant MIC due to unwanted entry

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I am an 18 year old male from Texas. Last night I was at a friends house and we had been drinking. 911 was called on behalf of a prank. The officers show up to the house and we tell them that everything is ok. My friends parents are out of town and when the officer asks my friend to get the girl who called (my friend is 18) he attemped to close the door but the officers put there shoes in the door and forced themselves in. They proceded to talk to me (i was lying down on a couch acting asleep) and search me with no reason. The officer searches all my pockets then takes out my wallet and starts to go through it. He found rolling papers which he claimed smelled like marijuana ( which they didn't ) but did not do anything about it. He said i smelt like alcohol which was highly unlikely since I had not had much to drink. We were all moved into another room and asked to blow into his alcohol test (they said it was not to calculate BAC but to show if alcohol was present) and we all declined. I was then given an eye test where I had to follow a pen and overheard the officer say I passed the horizontal test ( the one for alcohol) yet they still wrote me a MIC. They ticked everyone at the house and called our parents. I feel that not only was the entry to the house illigeal but the searching of my wallet was not only not required but a violation of my rights. Do you think that I have a chance to fight the case and win?
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