Michael rocks Hudson Terrace holiday party

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
So several of you asked for some video. In the spirit of the holiday, I'll share with you this rare video clip of me and the band performing at New York City's Hudston Terrace hotel on the west side of NYC and overlooking the Hudson River. Had a lot of fun working this holiday party and this is what we could salvage from the video, which was in danger of being knocked over by partiers all night!

My very best to everyone, Happy Holidays and enjoy!


PS - yes, that's really me. No, I'm not quitting my day job. :)
Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo!

Kudos, professor, you guys rock!!!

Merry Christmas.

PS: You look like you were having fun. The crowd was, too. :)
Very nice imo.. I like the fact you guys seem like a group of guys doing something you enjoy. I would assume the lady in the black dress is your wife or girl friend. There was one song she seem to enjoy your words :biglol:
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