Michigan support formula question

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I recently had a support review done for the first time. The recipient is married and works part time. The things I have read state that only the child's biological parents' salaries are considered when calculating support. My question is if there is any way to have them consider family income or something? If a support recipient is a stay at home mother/father and does not have any source of income, how is this calculated? I don't understand why I have to maintain a full time job and provide insurance, but she doesn't.

I'm wondering if I should contact a lawyer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nope. The parent's new spouse is not responsible for supporting your child. If Mom chooses to stay at home, you can request that she is imputed an income equal to at least full time minimum wage. Actually you can request that she's imputed a full time wage anyway.

Did you do that?

(And if you only recently had a review, it's unlikely that you can go back to court this early on - you'll generally need to wait at least a year unless there is a dramatic change in circumstance)
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