might be sued for basketball injury

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I was playing basketball at the local YMCA when a kid bumped into me during the game and committed a foul. I called him out and he kicked a ball and walked out. I walked out to see what was wrong, turns out he somehow got injured, he father telling me "you may have broken a rib", I sincerley apologized, and he said "it was alright, it happens." His father stayed around for about and 1 hour talking to staff, which I found kind of weird because the kid was sulking in pain and I jokingly said to a friend "I think they might sue me". Well turns out it might be true. The guy's lung got puntured and I was called to make a statement which I declined until I saw a lawyer. To make matters worse, my membership expired a couple months ago yet they still allowed me to enter the gym.

I just need some kind of general advice as to what to do. I'm a college student, dead broke and really busy so I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.
You should speak with an attorney immediately.
The initial consultation is generally, FREE!

So far you've done the correct thing.
Make no statement to anyone, and sign nothing.
Your apology to the guy was okay, but say no more to anyone about this, until you've spoken to a lawyer.

Also, write a statement for YOUR use about this incident.
Show it only to your lawyer, parents, or insurance company.
Try to get the names and contact information of all witnesses to this event.
Keep that in a safe place, along with your statement.

You may be covered under your parents homeowners policy. Ask them.
If so, you should prepare a statement to submit to them.

If you have a renters policy, it provides liability protection for incidents such as this.
Army judge, I fail to see any legal issue with this at all. As we know anyone can sue anyone for any purpose yet that is not to say the suit is valid.

I fail to see any Prince's responsibility for the injury in any manner. He was simply playing a game of basketball. People get hurt when playing sports. This was NOT a sanctioned game by any authority.

Your answer to Prince, though good advice, sounds as if you believe he may ultimately be found responsible.

It is always a good idea to be fully prepared, yet I believe Prince is in no way responsible for the kid's injury. No negligence or disregard for personal safety on the behalf of Prince has been shown. What is the kid going to tell the Judge? "as I was scrambling for the basketball, Prince got in my way and I crashed into him because he should not have been there". Sounds like a lawsuit to me!! sarcasm...
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I agree with both of you. I would prepare to be sued the way Army is telling you to do, but I do not see any Cause of Action unless your actions on the Court were clearly egregious and I do not think from your story that they were. If your play was within a reasonable competitive spirit accidents happen and you are not liable.

Prepare to be sued anyway.
FlaRiptide said:
Army judge, I fail to see any legal issue with this at all. As we know anyone can sue anyone for any purpose yet that is not to say the suit is valid.

I fail to see any Prince's responsibility for the injury in any manner. He was simply playing a game of basketball. People get hurt when playing sports. This was NOT a sanctioned game by any authority.

Your answer to Prince, though good advice, sounds as if you believe he may ultimately be found responsible.

It is always a good idea to be fully prepared, yet I believe Prince is in no way responsible for the kid's injury. No negligence or disregard for personal safety on the behalf of Prince has been shown. What is the kid going to tell the Judge? "as I was scrambling for the basketball, Prince got in my way and I crashed into him because he should not have been there". Sounds like a lawsuit to me!! sarcasm...

I believe nothing anyone says or tells me, unless I've thoroughly vetted it all.

That's why I've never lost a case.

That said, I was only trying to tell Prince to be prepared.

I don't doubt that he can be sued.

I've also seen defendants sabotage their own cases.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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