Might lose job for missing to many days fo an illness

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New Member
My father has worked for this company for many years. But reacently had a heart attack. And for the past year or so has had complications with medicine, the pace maker not working correctly and has numerous surgerys to try to fix the problem. But he returns to work day after having a the procedures. He got called to the office today and they said that corprate was wanting to know why he was missing work so much. His superviser said he would step up for him. I just want to know can they fire him or make him quit. And do I need to look for another job to help them out. If theres anybody who can give me some advise, I think you.
Investigate FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) . . most companies have to abide by this law. It sounds like your father would certainly qualify for this protected class of employee. I wish you and your father the best!
FMLA applies when ALL of the following are true:

1.) The employer has 50 or more employees within 75 miles of the employee's location
2.) The employee has worked for this employer for a minimum of 12 months
3.) The employee worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding their leave
4.) The employee or a qualified beneficiary has a serious health condition as defined by statute. (A heart attack would qualify.)

If even one of the criteria above is not met, FMLA does not apply.

However, FMLA is not open ended. A qualified employee is entitled to up to 12 weeks of medical leave with their job protected. When the 12 weeks have expired, with limited exceptions the employer may legally terminate employment.
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