military divorce and support...beware filers!!!

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So yeah i had posted about the adultery thing, then looked it up on the uscj site...i thought i had still saved the ucmj aritcle on adultery, but i guess not...however its in the ucmj under article 134 paragraph 62, or 64...that the military rarely charges anyone with adultery, normally it coincides with something like rape, or other charges normally exist as well. it also says that to correctly establish this crime, the Command(or whoever), must take the following into consideration(theres more on, theres news articles and such, i'll post the ucmj site later)
1:Suspects marital status; legally seperated(most courts call it this when the papers are filed, but no judgement has been made)
2:The suspects "lover"'s marital status as well

also, who the suspect was sleeping with, was it a CO's wife, was it fraternization, rape? theres actually an article where a Ssgt i believe actually murdered a girl, and during that trial he also faced adultery heres some of the things they have to prove
1:pictures, oral or written communication STATING there was/is a SEXUAL relationship
in 1 of the articles in the news, it was even stated that even though its military, sleeping at a member of the opposite sex's home, or even sleeping in the SAME BED does not ALWAYS constitute adultery....

so for all you ladies and men who are seeking a military divorce due to adultery, remember these have to PROVE THEM. i've learned with my own husband, whose command ignored my pleas of his adulterous behavior, that you need to be careful...some commands DO NOR CARE ABOUT YOU, the spouse. in fact, in the case of my husbands command, it seems they just don't want the hassle...yes as i have stated, i am engaged to a sailor, yet divorcing a, my fiance and i keep our thing;his family knows, mine does, and our CLOSEST friends, in other words, people who cannot jeopardize his career...
however my husband takes his fiance to the unit family days, command outings, EVERYWHERE....he even proposed to her when he got off the bus from his MEU/Iraq FRONT OF HIS SSGT!!!
yes i am with someone, but during those times i WAS NOT. and they were not worried about it at all!!!

my husbands g/f would pick him up off the ship while they were in port down is San Diego, after i dropped him at like 6 or 7 b/c he said "i have a curfew all week", and they would watch him leave, knowing i had just dropped him off MOMENTS earlier...

be careful what you wish i said, when i find my references i will post them...theres also a page that is a "guideline" for support...and by the way...when it comes to spousal support, THERE ARE WAYS OUR SERVICEMEMBERS CAN PROVE THEY DONT HAVE TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING!!!

So a heads up to the ladies....and the men......i hope this(even though i'm no lawyer!) helps a few people out...if you need more information, or heck if you even want some research done, email me...
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