Military Homeowner having some issues with renters

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I am a military homeowner and am still currently Active duty. I have a prior tenant who completely ruined my home in Texas. All repairs were made by us and our property management company but the tenant has yet to pay anything towards their amount owed. The prior tenant is in the military as well. I've heard it is easy to go after them and get what is owed to me but after talking to several JAG offices I have gotten nowhere.

Now I have a new tenant that just left my property due to Military orders and stopped paying rent the last 2 months. They have been evicted but this is getting to be a huge strain on me and my family especially while still trying to server in the military. I'm currently trying to find another tenant or possibly trying to sell the house. Any help will be appreciated.
You can inform the service member's CO by letter.

If he or she can be ordered to pay up, you'll get your money.

Otherwise, JP COURT is an option, assuming the deadbeat is still in the area. You can still file in JP Court, if they've moved and potentially get a default judgment.

But, that presents another problem, collecting on your judgment.

Investigate selling the property, one or two properties is very risky financially, and isn't very profitable.

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The former tenant does not owe you a dime until you obtain a court order saying so. Your time to collect on those damages may have passed depending how long ago this occurred and how you handled the transition at the time the tenant moved out. Was the tenant provided itemized bills in a timely manner? How long ago did the prior tenant move out?
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