military husband doing wrong?

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my husband and I have been married for a year and a half. He is currently stationed in germany, while i am still in WI. He is supposed to be recieving extra spousal support since he is overseas and I am still in the states. he has failed to send me what should be going to me. he refused to send me the correct paperwork so i could move on base with him. He has been getting over $700 a month that is supposed to go to me, and i have seen a one time allotment of $100 that i recieved in july 2005. I know the military would not be happy to know that he has not supported me at all, and i dont know what to do. I tried telling me that he has not recieved anything in addition to his regular pay, but from what i have been told by other members of the army, he should be, especially since he is living off base (you cant do that unless you are married, and if they know hes married, he is getting this). Is there anything i can do? i think he married me for a paycheck (once, before we were married, he said that you get "free extra money" if youre married and active duty, i thought he was kidding, but now, im thinking he just wanted the money). Hes been giving me the run around since we got married (he left for Germany again a week after we were married). He has failed to give me the proper paperwork for my health insurance, and even tried telling me that and allotment is not for sending people money! obviously, he thinks im a moron. any help or suggestions?
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What is your husband's rank and what branch of the military is he in? You could try and contact the legal office on the base that is near to you. Most military bases have a JAG office but sometimes it's hard to get an appointment. Do you have a family member ID card? If not, when you call tell whoever anwers that after you married your husband he has not obtained your ID card, Tricare Military Health benefits, or any other type of assistance and services. You will need your original marriage license, a copy of your husband's orders, and maybe other documents. Do you know the unit your husband is in and what the stateside home base is for that unit? You may have to contact the commander of that unit as well or JAG may guide you in that direction. The fact your husband hasn't provided for you is odd but my understanding is that the money the militray pays him, is for him, (not spousal support) even though he is paid at a higher with dependents rate. The only other thing is if he got money falsely, claiming he was living off post because you were there or are coming rather than living in the barracks. That could be fraud. A lot depends on his rank. Different ranks are allowed different privilages as far living off post or not. But as you said the military won't be happy that he is not providing for his family. Be aware that by contacting JAG or his unit commander he will probably be reprimanded, investigated, and more depending on what he has done, so he will be very angry with you.
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