Minimum salary requirement to apply for a lease. Legal? Loopholes?

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In my search for an apartment in Boynton Beach, FL I started the application process with an apartment complex. This process involved a mandatory criminal background check and credit check, which were no problem. After receiving a call welcoming me to the community, I was informed that my salary does not meet their requirements to qualify for a lease. Their requirements are that my monthly pay must be 3 times the market value ($800) of the apartment while the rent is $740. As we all know property values in south Florida have drasticly dropped in the past year, although the market value of the 1 bedroom apartment is above par. I am a financial advisor trainee and my salary does not include any bonuses or commission (a major source of income). The apartment complex requires that my employer guarantees that I will make X amount of dollars in this coming year. No employer can guarantee commissions that may be earned in the future. It seems like an unfair requirement since the lease would outline my liability to pay the rent on a monthly basis. I could really use some advice. any loopholes to the requirement?
I would NEVER have consented to all the things you already have, just to rent an apartment. And, as you noted, this is a down economy. I'd find myself another apartment and rent it. Living at the one you referenced sounds too regimented. After all, its a lousy $800 a month apartment, not a mortgage to buy an $800,000 home!
It's not unusual that a landlord/management requires a certain salary to be eligible for a rental unit. This is typically 2 1/2 to 3 times the rent. The are no "legal loopholes" to get around this unless the complex agrees to waive this.

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