Minor in Possession - Infraction

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Hello, I received a MIP infraction (25662 (a) BP) last night in San Diego. I walked outside of my apartment on to the patio with a beer in my hand and the cops came rolling up. I really can't afford to have my license suspended for a year, is there any way to get out of that? I read about deferral programs and similar opportunities, how can I go about receiving that? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Hello, I received a MIP infraction (25662 (a) BP) last night in San Diego. I walked outside of my apartment on to the patio with a beer in my hand and the cops came rolling up. I really can't afford to have my license suspended for a year, is there any way to get out of that? I read about deferral programs and similar opportunities, how can I go about receiving that? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Hello, I received a MIP infraction (25662 (a) BP) last night in San Diego. I walked outside of my apartment on to the patio with a beer in my hand and the cops came rolling up. I really can't afford to have my license suspended for a year, is there any way to get out of that? I read about deferral programs and similar opportunities, how can I go about receiving that? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Search this site. There are hundreds of threads giving you this (or similar advice).

Plead not guilty
Hire an attorney, or ask the court of you qualify for a public defender
Admit to nothing, confess to nothing
Stay out of MORE trouble while this matter winds its way through the court
Eventually you'll likely receive a deferred sentence.
As far as you license, I don't think there's a way to avoid that, but your lawyer will know for sure.

Bear in mind, your name will forever be marred with this stain.
All the diversionary programs will do is lessen the pain.
Only a full executive pardon will cleanse your name, assuming that is, you plead guilty or are adjudged guilty.
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