Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft minor

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New Member
hi my name is not important and I am ONLY 17 years old and i got caught ALLEGEDLY shoplifting some crap with two other people it was under 84$ i just wanna know what to expect in court

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Did you tell your parents & have a lawyer? Do you have an actual court date scheduled? You will probably be required to pay a fine. Talk to your/a lawyer.
For the hundredth time:
Shut up, admit to nothing, be polite, remain calm, stay out of more trouble, plead not guilty in court, hire a lawyer (or ask the court to appoint one for you, if you can't afford to hire a lawyer), wait for this drama to play itself out, discuss the case ONLY with your lawyer and NO ONE else, eventually this will all be washed away, or you'll be given a chance to do community service, perhaps pay a small fine, and you'll be pure as the driven snow, if you do all the things required by the court to cleanse the filthy stain from your once clean name.
It's California. Almost nothing will happen. Mom and Dad will pay some fines on your behalf IF you are found guilty.
Assuming it its a first offense this won't tarnish your record the least bit. It most likely will be handled as an infraction, no different than a traffic ticket.
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