minors and tickets

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New Member
My 14 year old son was given a ticket for calling a coach out of his name. Lets just day the name begin win the letter b. He was given the ticket and there was not a phone call home by any school personal. Or the police officer to which he was called to his office at the school. My question is can they write him a ticket with out a adult there? Like Mom or Dad or whom ever the child lives with.
What state makes it a criminal offense to use foul language to a teacher? I can see his being suspended or given some sort of in-school punishment, but a ticket?

What state is this and what code section was he cited for?

Whether a call home is required will depend on the law in your un-named state and the policy of the school. In most instances, the police are not going to be required to call mom and dad if a teenager kid gets a citation. But, different states have different laws. Are you upset that your kid acted out so rudely? or, are you angry that he got a citation at all?

- Carl
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