Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP 16 year old HELP!

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New Member
Ok, so heres the story. I am 16 years old and i was with three other 17 year old guys. I was supposed to sleep at my friends house but he was out for the night. So we all had no where to sleep. So we all went into a neighboorhood and parked on the side of the road. We had a few beers and then we all went to sleep in our cars. In the morning we were woken up to a cop knocking on our window. We were all breathalized because there were beer bottles outside of our cars. I resulted in a .046% and I was charged with minor possesion of alcohol. I was sitting in the drivers seat and the ignition was on playing music when the police found us. I was never driving, nor did i intend to; no matter how bad the situation looks. What i would like to know is when i go to court, what should i say and what should i expect the consequences to be. My other friends were taken to jail and i was let into custody of my parents since i was the only 16 year old. I would really appreciate any information as soon as possible. I live in Georgia and i would also like to know if i am going to need a laywer to represent me in court or if i should represent myslef.
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