Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP after OWI in Michigan

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New Member
My son just received a citation for an MIP while at college from campus police, he is 19. The citation was a county citation. They administered a breathalizer and he was over the limit. A year ago he was convicted of an OWI and has completed his probation. At that time he refused the BAC and his license was suspended for a year. He now can legally reinstate his license for $125.

My questions are should he just pay the fine for the MIP, and how will the MIP impact his record? I have been told that the Secretary of State in Michigan will receive notice of the MIP once found guilty but would like to know the impact (i.e. fines, suspension of license, how long it will stay on his record) Would there be any way to appeal for probation so as to avoid another strike on his record.

Secondly, is there any penalty by the Secretary of State in Michigan for not reinstating your license immediately after suspension? My son is at college and currently has no vehicle and does not need to drive. He would like to postpone reinstating but has been told that the state will issue fines and fees against him if he does not.

Thank you for your response.
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