Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP citation with unjust reasoning

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My close friend recently went to a halloween/open house party with 2 girls she knew. The panic button in the home was accidentally pressed sending fire trucks, ambulence, and police to the scene.All people at the party were under twenty-one and most had been drinking.Most people ran from the scene including my friend.The girl who lived there received an MIP as well as a house ticket and fine for false emergency call.My friend went home that night.The next morning she drove out to the girls house to get her purse she had accidentally left behind.As she went in to get it, she was informed by the girl that lives there that the police had searched through her purse as well as one other that had been left behind.The police confiscated their licenses and they were to go to the Bloomfield Hills police station to pick them up. My friend got a ride to the police station.When she went in she told the officer that her license had been taken by the police at an open house party just the night before.The officer said that there had been no party and they didn't have her license.He continued to try and explain that her friends were merely playing a trick on her.Finally, another officer stepped forth and told her that they do have her license,but no report has been filed about the house party.He told her that she was going to be fine and would not receive any punishment. Just to verify things, they gave her a breathilyzer there in the office to make it official,since one was not issued that night.She blew 0.Later in the day she had to go back to the girls house again because the police came to speak with her, the officer told her that she was going to receieve a minor in possesion as well as the other girl who left her license.He said that she ran and therefore she must be hiding something.
Can this possibly happen , she has a ticket and a court date scheduled.Her mom is so upset and obviously this is her first time ever getting in trouble with the police, especially for "drinking".Her mom told her that she's not getting a lawyer because it's too expensive and this is her mistake.I'm worried that this is not a legitimate citation and going to court without representation is a bad idea.What should she do?
I would argue just what you are arguing here. There is no basis for the citation that I can see. Here mere presence there should not subject her to such a prosecution but I would still check the state law regarding the offense she may be charged with. In addition, I'm not sure how the police had the right to search the personal property that was in the house in such a fashion. It's all a bit murky. Let us know what happens and good luck to your friend!
ak345 said:
My close friend recently went to a halloween/open house party with 2 girls she knew. The panic button in the home was accidentally pressed sending fire trucks, ambulence, and police to the scene.All people at the party were under twenty-one and most had been drinking.Most people ran from the scene including my friend.The girl who lived there received an MIP as well as a house ticket and fine for false emergency call.My friend went home that night.The next morning she drove out to the girls house to get her purse she had accidentally left behind.As she went in to get it, she was informed by the girl that lives there that the police had searched through her purse as well as one other that had been left behind.The police confiscated their licenses and they were to go to the Bloomfield Hills police station to pick them up. My friend got a ride to the police station.When she went in she told the officer that her license had been taken by the police at an open house party just the night before.The officer said that there had been no party and they didn't have her license.He continued to try and explain that her friends were merely playing a trick on her.Finally, another officer stepped forth and told her that they do have her license,but no report has been filed about the house party.He told her that she was going to be fine and would not receive any punishment. Just to verify things, they gave her a breathilyzer there in the office to make it official,since one was not issued that night.She blew 0.Later in the day she had to go back to the girls house again because the police came to speak with her, the officer told her that she was going to receieve a minor in possesion as well as the other girl who left her license.He said that she ran and therefore she must be hiding something.
Can this possibly happen , she has a ticket and a court date scheduled.Her mom is so upset and obviously this is her first time ever getting in trouble with the police, especially for "drinking".Her mom told her that she's not getting a lawyer because it's too expensive and this is her mistake.I'm worried that this is not a legitimate citation and going to court without representation is a bad idea.What should she do?
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